
Showing posts from August, 2020

How much electricity is produced by a 150 kWp solar power plant built on the ground?

How much electricity the solar power plant produces depends not only on the geographical location, the quality of the selected equipment, the quality of installation, but also on the correct orientation (azimuth) of the solar panels and their slope, as well as potential shading.   (Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications) The production of electricity in solar power plants requires as much solar radiation on the surface of solar panels. Throughout the year, depending on the season, different solar radiations alternate on the surfaces. The more south-facing the solar panels are, the higher the production will be.   ( A new dimension for solar energy- click here) To some extent, the slope of the panel affects the increase in production from the summer to winter months, while the orientation to the east or west can affect the production during the day, thus increasing the production in the morning or evening. However, for fixed angle installed modules, th...


  Real  electricity  production of  solar power plants is the best indicator for determining its profitability and potential construction of other solar power plants. In this post, an analysis of the technical and economic profitability of built micro and mini solar power plants is given. ( A new dimension for solar energy- click here) TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF SOLAR POWER PLANTS IN THE MUNICIPALITY TESANJ   In the area of the Municipality of Tesanj has long been in use four solar power plants are connected to the associated electrical distribution network, which generated electricity sold at subsidized price.  (Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications) Estimated production of electricity per 1 kWp of installed capacity in the area of the Municipality of Tesanj program PVGIS is 1,120 kWh ( fig.1), the optimal angle setting panel is 32 degrees with the orientation of the north-south axis (azimuth 0)....


The post gives an example of the configuration of a 23 kWp photovoltaic system. General information of the photovoltaic system configuration   - Latitude, longitude: 44 0 6 '1 ",  18 0  9' 3" - Elevation: 422 m. - Installed power of the production facility: 23 kWp - Connected power of the production facility: 23 kW - Annual production of electricity: 26130 kWh - Generator type: solar photovoltaic panels with inverters - Total number of photovoltaic (PV) panels: 84 (pcs) unit power 275 Wp - Total area of ​​photovoltaic panels: 84x1,7x1,1 = 157 m 2 - Total number of inverters: 1 - Manner of connection: to the corresponding electricity distribution network      according to the conditions of the competent electricity distribution company     defined by the electricity consent   ( A new dimension for solar energy- click here) Description of the photovoltaic system  configuration   (about design) ...